
day # 11

hi there!
today's topic in the blog challenge is: 
A photo of me recently.
[i have since cut my bangs since these 3 photos were taken last month.]

i like making this face.

[a red filter makes skin looks so nice]

looking out the window pondering my life...

 and one of my personal faves [take in May by Patrice Patrick]:

 Where was a rencent photo of YOU taken? :)

Have a fantastic weekend!



Day # 10

Hi! I didn't post yesterday because it was thanksgiving.
Today's topic in the 30day blog challenge issssss......
a photo taken of me over 10 years ago!

Here are a couple:

I'm standing in the neighbor's yard on Priscilla Lane wearing my dad's old mime tux-sweater and a chef's hat. yeah. i wanted to be a performer.

this was my first [or second] grade school picture. circa 1990/1, i think.

here i am dressed up as a little angel. circa 1985/6.

And a bonus......

my younger brother and i acting as joseph and mary with baby Jesus. ah, kids and their imaginations. circa 1992/3 :)



day # 9...

howdy! thanks for stopping by to check out my blog.
Today's topic in the 30day blog challenge is...
A photo I took. 

This is another tough one because there are so many to choose from. :) here are a a couple of lovely subjects I've gotten the chance to photograph...

My perfectly pregnant, beautiful sister- 8 months along with her first baby Zephyr [Feb2010] :
©Lindsay Coleman
*Check out my sister's website here [amazing design/art skills.]


©Lindsay Coleman
These two photos [above/below] are of the same woman- my good friend- Patrice Patrick at the same photoshoot. She's so versatile and fabulous! November 29, 2009 
Such a FUN shoot!

©Lindsay Coleman

*View Patrice's blog here [wonderful & honestly crafted writings.]

You can see more of my photography at my website:

Thanks for looking,



day # 8...

Today's topic in the 30-day blog challenge is...
A photo that makes me sad.

i don't think this requires much explanation. But to say that this photo of these starving children breaks my heart is a large understatement. 

[there was no photo cred. Found in this great article: http://www.journeywithjesus.net/Essays/20091123JJ.shtml ]

It makes me want to GIVE; to LOVE; to hold them [SO many children like this are orphans]; to provide; to HELP.
This image compels me to gratitude and action. 

I hope it compels you as well.

What photo breaks YOUR heart?


day # 7...

Today's post in the 30-day blog challenge is...
A picture that makes my heart melt.

 Well, there are TOO many to choose from. But right off the bat, I thought of my super adorable, lovable, silly nephews.
Oh how I LOVE them with my whole heart. And it makes me sad that I live so far away from them.
Thankfully my family is pretty good about sharing pics of the kiddos. And the photos of them melt my heart. Always.

 Here are a couple:

Casey, Ben, Shane. Oh how i love them.

Shane and Casey. Photo by Chris Coleman

my Bean.

my newest nehp Zephyr. :)

another one of Zeph.

They are the sweetest little loves. Definitely little boys. Rowdy, feisty, silly and so lovable. 

 What photo makes YOUR heart melt??



day # 6...

day #6 in the 30-day blogpost challenge is.....
"20 of my favorite things"

Like I mentioned in yesterday's post- I have lots of favorites of everything. Now I get to make a list of 20 of them. Hmmm..... where to even start?!?! Man, this is gonna be a random list of things in no special order. :)

1. My family.

2. Music. Currently my faves are Dave Barnes, Thad Cockrell, Matt Wertz, Tyler James, Andrew Belle, and Cory Asbury...

3. Getting espresso in coffee shops vs having coffee at home [going to a coffee shop and sitting with my espresso and journal/book/bible, etc is something that helps keep me sane. not good for my wallet, though.].

4. Living out the dreams in my heart.

5. Giving.

6. Friends that I can be real with -Kait & Lauren- and know that they will always love me. And vice versa.

8. Art of all sorts. Making and appreciating it.

10. Hearing my dad read " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas"

11. Reading the bible and getting revelation... nothing is more full of life and hope for me.

12. Learning and growing... and cultivating that.

13. Laughter.

14. Photographing people and them being amazed that the images they're looking at are of themselves. [I love and am so thankful that I get the honor of showing people their beauty/uniqueness/worth through photography.] ALSO on the topic of GIVING photos: check out Help-Portrait event [it's fantastic!!!]

15. Jesus and His amazingly beautiful sacrifice, victory, love, grace, and hope.

16. Technology.
17. That I get to live freely in this country. [and am so thankful for that!]
18. Warm blankets on cold nights.
19. The beach/ocean!
20. Sunshine and lighting.

That was a though list! Fun to think through all of the things I love and am thankful for.

What are some of YOUR favorite things??



day # 5...

Today's day # 5 topic in the 30-day blogpost challenge is...
"Favorite Quote" [I'm adding Lyrics as well]

Ugh. This is a TOUGH one. You people that know me know that I have lots of favorites of everything. And quotes&lyrics are no exception. I will list several random ones that come to mind:
 "...according to the kind intention of His will..." - Ephesians 1:5
"If music be the food of love, play on..." - W. Shakespeare

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you notMarianne Williamson [famously quoted by Nelson Mandela]
to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."  -by

All of Psalm 27

"Truly He taught us to love one another, His law is love and His gospel is peace. 
Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother. And in his name all oppression shall cease. 
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, With all our hearts we praise His holy name. 
Christ is the Lord! His power and glory ever more proclaim!" -O Holy Night [I love the version by Seven Day Jesus]

"In the dark while I was dreaming/ shadows cast by shame/ a tongue of fire was calling out my name/ I found no rest till all was taken/ burned up in the flames/ with nothing left I saw what I became/ It took the fire to save my soul/ it took the fire to change me/ glory show in the ashes blowin away/... all hail to the Fire Maker who takes back my grief/ wash my hands/ and still my disbelief..."

and the list goes on and on and on and on. :)

What's YOUR favorite quote??



day # 4...

Today's topic in the 30-day blogpost challenge isssss.... "Favorite Book".
Here's the thing. I'm not much of a reader. I mean, I CAN read. But I am not the type to read books quickly, read multiple books at a time, or set aside time to read while all wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of coffee. Nope. I'm not like that. Sometime I wish I was like that so I could/would actually read all the books I own [even though almost all of them are currently in storage, but you get the idea] and be able to buy other great books because I know I'd read them then. My bff is a reader and I've always admired that about her/ watched in amazement that she could read so quickly.
I'm not ashamed to say that over the past 5 or 6 years I've read maybe 5 books start to finish. It's not my thing. Yes, there is something to say for having self discipline to be able to sit and read books. Maybe I'll work on that. 
Speaking of not reading books- I actually BOUGHT one yesterday that I fully intend to read: "Boundaries" by Henry Cloud and James Townsend. I picked it up while at Borders looking for a fun craft book. But instead of a craft book, I brought home "Boundaries".

While standing in the aisle reading an excerpt from a random page I flipped to I realized that it was the book I needed to read, now.  What's funny in an ironic/"it figures" sort of way is that my mom tried to get me to read this book when I was, like, 16. Of course I had none of it and never opened it. But I SO badly wish I read it before now. I think it would have given me some skills that I am now currently lacking.
I started reading this very helpful & straightforward this morning while at a local coffeeshop. Most of the time when I read books I tends to be labored, forced, "because I should". The time passes quickly but with few pages turned. [Unless it's something I'm looking forward to reading or can really identify with.] This morning I got through 30 pages without flinching. That's a big deal in my world. I can already tell that "Boundaries" will be one of my favorite books because of how it will give me tools/skills/info I have been praying to have. I'm pretty confident that this book is going to facilitate some good change in my life- and that makes me excited.  I'll keep you posted. :)

Also- Of the 5 or so books I've read over that past couple years 3 of them have been by John Eldredge. "Journey of Desire", "Waking the Dead", and "Captivating" [though I didn't get to finish Captivating because the book went into storage when I moved].
I love reading his work. It's like he speaks my language. I mean, yes- he speaks English. But what I am saying is that he writes & conveys in such a way that I understand. And I understand because he's conveying things that I- whether previously known by me or not- feel and know so deeply inside. His writing speaks to my heart and reminds me that God loves me and that I'm free to live an adventurous, passionate, fully-alive life. 
I whole-heartedly recommend John Eldredge's books.
And I'm now sure that I'm gonna recommend "Boundaries" to everyone.

What's YOUR favorite book?



day # 3...

So, today's topic from the 30-day blog challenge is Favorite Teacher

Hmmm... favorite teacher. I'm gonna make this post a favorite teacher AND memories about the class. 
Let's see. I loved my kindergarten teacher- Mrs. Lukesh. She was always so nice and always remembered me when I would see her over the years. I was in kindergarten in 1988-89 [i think?]and the last time I saw the lovely Mrs. Lukesh was a few years ago and she still remembered me! That's amazing to me. Oh, and she still [at least up to that point] wears the same perfume she worse when she taught my little 5 year old self. 
But I think my favorite teacher was Mrs. Gallo. She was my 1st grade teacher. And one of my teachers in 6th grade [I went to the same school for my whole k-12 education]. 
I think I liked her so much because she was really caring and nice, but also made sure we stuck to the boundaries she'd set. A good mix of kindness and sternness. She was also a great teacher- she taught well and was inventive.
There are several things I can actually remember about my experience in her class, both in first grade and in 6th grade.
I have two vivid memories from my time in her first grade class.
1) I don't remember what she was trying to teach us with this demonstration, but she had us students sitting on the floor in a semi-circle. She had a box of french fries and some carrots. Mrs Gallo then had us watch a chosen student bite one of each. The lesson was something about how when we bite soft things we use our front teeth, but biting hard things we use out back teeth. That's my best guess as to what her lesson was about. But I do remember watching Daryl [the chosen volunteer for illustrating the lesson] bite a frenchfry and then a carrot.
Weird memory.
2) I was a really, really shy kid. Here's an example: In Mrs Gallo's first grade class one day, as we were almost done with class, I had to pee so badly. I was too scared/shy to ask to to potty and I knew school was almost over so i tried to wait. Nope. That didn't work. I peed in my pants- well, jean skirt&tights- on that blue plastic chair.  Trauma.

Now, a little bit of Mrs Gallo's 6th grade class.
1) This class was when I first learned how to write a check and keep a checkbook. I don't remember how we accrued money/points for our fake checking accounts in her class, but we did. And with that money we could buy gum [the only time we could chew gum in her class was if we bought it with a check], candy, and other miscellaneous things. Pretty clever way to teach kids how to keep track of what they buy! I liked getting to have-and keep track of- my very own checkbook/checks/money.
2) We had a student garden area- called the Rutabaga Ranch- on the hill behind our school. It was used for us 6th graders to till, plant, water, weed, and watch our various plants&veggies grow [or die]. Mrs Gallo was in charge of this, I believe, and we'd have a specific class period in the week [was it every other Thursday?] when we'd trek up the seemingly never ending hill to the Rutabaga Ranch. My best friend and I [yes, still best friends to this day] had a little plot together... the only things I remember planting are marigolds and carrots. I'm sure we planted other things but they probably didn't grow.

Mrs Gallo was a great teacher! She taught us with real-life examples, let us try things out for ourselves, and was kind and firm. Just how a teacher should be. :)

What was YOUR favorite teacher like?



30-day Blog Challenge

So, I saw this on Meghan's blog and thought it seemed like a great idea. :) I'm two days late to it, so I will start on Day 3 [November 18th]. There are some great topics in this challenge- some just fun & informal, others deep & passionate. It will be a great 30 28 days of blogging. Lets see if I can keep up with it. That will be the biggest challenge of all.

Here is the list of what I will be blogging about each day of this challenge:

Day 1 - your biggest accomplishment
Day 2 - your definition of success

Day 3 - Your favorite teacher
Day 4 - your favorite book
Day 5 - your favorite quote
Day 6 - 20 of my favorite things
Day 7 - a photo that makes your heart melt
Day 8 - a photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 9 - a photo you took
Day 10 - a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
Day 11 - a photo of you recently
Day 12 - something you are OCD about
Day 13 - a fictional book
Day 14 - a non-fictional book
Day 15 - your role model
Day 16 - a song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 - an art piece (drawing, sculpture, painting, etc)
Day 18 - my wedding/future wedding/past wedding
Day 19 - a talent of yours
Day 20 - a hobby of yours
Day 21 - a recipe
Day 22 - a website
Day 23 - a youtube video
Day 24 - where I live- in detail, what makes it special?
Day 25 - guilty pleasure
Day 26 - your week, in great detail
Day 27 - my worst habit
Day 28 - whats in my handbag/purse
Day 29 - hopes,dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 - car you drive ( and past cars too!) 

Stay Posted!


Art Day #1

Art Day commenced today!
That is, Linds&Lauren's creative-make-something-learn-something time. We have decided that once a week we will set time aside to intentionally be creative, crafty, and learn new things. We've already got a long list of creative things we want to do/try/make and needless to say, we are super duper excited. 
A few days ago we decided that we needed to stick with what we had available to us so we wouldn't have to buy anything... that means we started our weekly creative fest with Painting. Not just any painting- we had a theme. Our initial theme to paint was a bird, any bird and any type of interpretation of one. But this morning as we were leaving the coffee shop Lauren expressed her nervousness of having to paint a bird [she's never really painted before, so it's understandable!]. Seeing a school bus in the parking lot, I jokingly responded with, "we could change our theme to a school bus."  Not expecting her to actually want to paint a school bus, I was surprised that she responded positively, which we laughed about and then went back and forth one or two times on what to paint.  So on a whim we went with the new theme of schoolbus. Odd, yes. Interesting, yes. But it made the day that much more fun. :)
We got to Lauren's room [our current art space] and we set up all of our loot. We had all that we needed- acrylic paints, spray paints [favorite!], some brushes, and canvases. We were quite excited!
With Lauren being new to painting, we talked through a little about how to start- sometimes I sketch out an idea, sometimes I just go for it and paint. It all depends what the idea is and how I'm feeling that day. I told her that what how I prep might be completely opposite of what would come naturally to her or it might be great- Trial and error, I suppose. It's a very individual process. But this time I started by making a little sketch and writing down my ideas for it and Lauren did as well.  But I'm not that into working it out on paper. I'd much rather just work it out as I'm painting. :)
my little idea sketch book & notes
  And so I picked up the canvas and put a sloppy layer of white paint down first. I am so accustomed to painting on wood that painting on a canvas was almost foreign to me- I needed more texture and weight to what I was painting on, thus the layer of bright white paint first. 
I picked up a cheap little paintbrush, mixed three different yellows together [bright, neutral, ochre] and got to it. I painted the rough shape of a big yellow schoolbus and outlined the wheels&windows in brown. As I set that down to dry I got an idea! "What if I put a thin layer of white paint over the bus and make it kinda just shadowy and then freehand outline the bus with black ink?" I really liked what I saw in my head and so I added that to my first little sketch.
Meanwhile, Lauren's inspiration was a memory she had from when she was young- when the bus would drop her off at home after school, she'd watch it drive away. So she wanted to paint the back of the bus surrounded by trees. Her painting was coming along- a deep blue sky, yellow bus and a red stop sign. But she just wasn't feeling it... that and my "it kinda looks like and old tv" comment weren't helping her cause. But she kept on painting [which is a good lesson in finishing what you start because you never know how it will evolve.]
So my yellow bus and white overlay were dry. I got out my ink and and with the eyedropper  proceeded to freehand outline the bus and details. On the body of the bus- where it typically says the school's name- I put two parallel solid lines with a dashed line in between. You know, like a line from an elementary school writing book. So as I finished with the black ink outline [drips and all], I decided that this piece needed color... avocado green did the trick. It felt right. I dry brushed it on in an intentionally haphazard way and kept accidentally dragging some of the black ink around as well. Hey, this project was just for fun so I was enjoying it- not worrying about it!
I looked up and Lauren seemed less than satisfied with how her painting was turning out [which is understandable- it's frustrating to not be able to translate a vision onto a canvas!] She was convinced it looked like a face. I didn't see it- I still thought it looked like that back of a schoolbus [and an oldschool tv]. But now that I think about it, I could see how she saw a face... a yellow square robot face. Yep. That IS what it looked like! [Laur, I'm sorry I didn't believe you earlier.] :)   So, she and I talked about ways she could improve her robot-tv-schoolbus painting. Spray paint, adding trees, adding gloss, etc. All of the above happened in various stages. First, gloss on the windows and lights. Nope, not enough. Then masking off with tape the shape of trees and spray painting the whole painting black [accept the robot bus] so that when the tape was removed there were blue tree shapes [very cool!]. But that still wasn't enough. That big yellow bus was just too... too... there. So then she added a couple layers of spattered spray paint in orange, red, green, and white to almost represent leaves on the trees. That definitely helped. but it just wasn't enough. 

Lauren's schoolbus-robot face-tv painting prior to the spraypaint

As we were standing in the sunshine in the front yard with fall leaves crunching beneath our feet she said, "What if I just paint over the bus? Would that be bad since we had a schoolbus theme?" We both laughed and I said, "It would be ok, I got some photos of the bus, so that's ok! Go for it!" So Lauren proceed to spraypaint black over the entire area where the schoolbus tv was. And the painting changed completely. It now looked like a lake surrounded by trees on a foggy night.  Super cool. Then I added a layer of hi-gloss clear coat on the trees. So, even though our theme was a school bus, and Lauren's painting ended up being a lake on a foggy night, she gets full credit for her original painting and for finishing what she started!

Lauren's finished painting. [pic taken with my phone, thus the poor quality photo.]
So after she finished her painting [yay Lauren!], we went back inside and I sat down with my painting and dry brushed some light blue paint. And remember the lines I drew on the body of the bus? Well with burgundy thread I hand stitched the sentence, "allow them to dream again" with the shapes of a star, heart, square, triangle, and hexagon following.

a closeup of the handstitched phrase :allow them to dream again"  [never stitched on canvas before!]
I referred back to my little sketch and read my notes about what I had wanted to paint. I saw a phrase that I had jotted down in that sketch and knew it was good for the painting. I picked up the ink again and wrote in my normal handwriting "Remember the days..." at the very top. I really liked how it turned out! But then I realized it needed a little more color. Pink, I decided, was perfect. I vignetted the piece with a deep pink paint dry brushed on the canvas and with one more sweep of the original avocado green the painting was done! 

my finished schoolbus painting... the colors didn't quite turn out right in this photo.
 Lauren and I had so much fun on our first roommate art day. We can't wait for next week and our next creations. We have so many ideas [some of which will cost a pretty penny] and we look forward to all of the knowledge we'll gain, fun we'll have, and things we will create!

I would encourage you to try to create something or experience art in new ways- whether you create something, or appreciate what others have made. Dance, sing, paint, photograph, visit museums, go to the theater, go to a public garden, sketch, etc. There are so many ways to express what's in you. And remember, you don't need to be the best. Just be you!
