
day # 3...

So, today's topic from the 30-day blog challenge is Favorite Teacher

Hmmm... favorite teacher. I'm gonna make this post a favorite teacher AND memories about the class. 
Let's see. I loved my kindergarten teacher- Mrs. Lukesh. She was always so nice and always remembered me when I would see her over the years. I was in kindergarten in 1988-89 [i think?]and the last time I saw the lovely Mrs. Lukesh was a few years ago and she still remembered me! That's amazing to me. Oh, and she still [at least up to that point] wears the same perfume she worse when she taught my little 5 year old self. 
But I think my favorite teacher was Mrs. Gallo. She was my 1st grade teacher. And one of my teachers in 6th grade [I went to the same school for my whole k-12 education]. 
I think I liked her so much because she was really caring and nice, but also made sure we stuck to the boundaries she'd set. A good mix of kindness and sternness. She was also a great teacher- she taught well and was inventive.
There are several things I can actually remember about my experience in her class, both in first grade and in 6th grade.
I have two vivid memories from my time in her first grade class.
1) I don't remember what she was trying to teach us with this demonstration, but she had us students sitting on the floor in a semi-circle. She had a box of french fries and some carrots. Mrs Gallo then had us watch a chosen student bite one of each. The lesson was something about how when we bite soft things we use our front teeth, but biting hard things we use out back teeth. That's my best guess as to what her lesson was about. But I do remember watching Daryl [the chosen volunteer for illustrating the lesson] bite a frenchfry and then a carrot.
Weird memory.
2) I was a really, really shy kid. Here's an example: In Mrs Gallo's first grade class one day, as we were almost done with class, I had to pee so badly. I was too scared/shy to ask to to potty and I knew school was almost over so i tried to wait. Nope. That didn't work. I peed in my pants- well, jean skirt&tights- on that blue plastic chair.  Trauma.

Now, a little bit of Mrs Gallo's 6th grade class.
1) This class was when I first learned how to write a check and keep a checkbook. I don't remember how we accrued money/points for our fake checking accounts in her class, but we did. And with that money we could buy gum [the only time we could chew gum in her class was if we bought it with a check], candy, and other miscellaneous things. Pretty clever way to teach kids how to keep track of what they buy! I liked getting to have-and keep track of- my very own checkbook/checks/money.
2) We had a student garden area- called the Rutabaga Ranch- on the hill behind our school. It was used for us 6th graders to till, plant, water, weed, and watch our various plants&veggies grow [or die]. Mrs Gallo was in charge of this, I believe, and we'd have a specific class period in the week [was it every other Thursday?] when we'd trek up the seemingly never ending hill to the Rutabaga Ranch. My best friend and I [yes, still best friends to this day] had a little plot together... the only things I remember planting are marigolds and carrots. I'm sure we planted other things but they probably didn't grow.

Mrs Gallo was a great teacher! She taught us with real-life examples, let us try things out for ourselves, and was kind and firm. Just how a teacher should be. :)

What was YOUR favorite teacher like?


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