
day # 7...

Today's post in the 30-day blog challenge is...
A picture that makes my heart melt.

 Well, there are TOO many to choose from. But right off the bat, I thought of my super adorable, lovable, silly nephews.
Oh how I LOVE them with my whole heart. And it makes me sad that I live so far away from them.
Thankfully my family is pretty good about sharing pics of the kiddos. And the photos of them melt my heart. Always.

 Here are a couple:

Casey, Ben, Shane. Oh how i love them.

Shane and Casey. Photo by Chris Coleman

my Bean.

my newest nehp Zephyr. :)

another one of Zeph.

They are the sweetest little loves. Definitely little boys. Rowdy, feisty, silly and so lovable. 

 What photo makes YOUR heart melt??


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