
day # 4...

Today's topic in the 30-day blogpost challenge isssss.... "Favorite Book".
Here's the thing. I'm not much of a reader. I mean, I CAN read. But I am not the type to read books quickly, read multiple books at a time, or set aside time to read while all wrapped up in a blanket with a cup of coffee. Nope. I'm not like that. Sometime I wish I was like that so I could/would actually read all the books I own [even though almost all of them are currently in storage, but you get the idea] and be able to buy other great books because I know I'd read them then. My bff is a reader and I've always admired that about her/ watched in amazement that she could read so quickly.
I'm not ashamed to say that over the past 5 or 6 years I've read maybe 5 books start to finish. It's not my thing. Yes, there is something to say for having self discipline to be able to sit and read books. Maybe I'll work on that. 
Speaking of not reading books- I actually BOUGHT one yesterday that I fully intend to read: "Boundaries" by Henry Cloud and James Townsend. I picked it up while at Borders looking for a fun craft book. But instead of a craft book, I brought home "Boundaries".

While standing in the aisle reading an excerpt from a random page I flipped to I realized that it was the book I needed to read, now.  What's funny in an ironic/"it figures" sort of way is that my mom tried to get me to read this book when I was, like, 16. Of course I had none of it and never opened it. But I SO badly wish I read it before now. I think it would have given me some skills that I am now currently lacking.
I started reading this very helpful & straightforward this morning while at a local coffeeshop. Most of the time when I read books I tends to be labored, forced, "because I should". The time passes quickly but with few pages turned. [Unless it's something I'm looking forward to reading or can really identify with.] This morning I got through 30 pages without flinching. That's a big deal in my world. I can already tell that "Boundaries" will be one of my favorite books because of how it will give me tools/skills/info I have been praying to have. I'm pretty confident that this book is going to facilitate some good change in my life- and that makes me excited.  I'll keep you posted. :)

Also- Of the 5 or so books I've read over that past couple years 3 of them have been by John Eldredge. "Journey of Desire", "Waking the Dead", and "Captivating" [though I didn't get to finish Captivating because the book went into storage when I moved].
I love reading his work. It's like he speaks my language. I mean, yes- he speaks English. But what I am saying is that he writes & conveys in such a way that I understand. And I understand because he's conveying things that I- whether previously known by me or not- feel and know so deeply inside. His writing speaks to my heart and reminds me that God loves me and that I'm free to live an adventurous, passionate, fully-alive life. 
I whole-heartedly recommend John Eldredge's books.
And I'm now sure that I'm gonna recommend "Boundaries" to everyone.

What's YOUR favorite book?


1 comment:

  1. 30 pages without flinching?! That's awesome Linds! I can't wait to hear more after you've finished the book..
