
day # 6...

day #6 in the 30-day blogpost challenge is.....
"20 of my favorite things"

Like I mentioned in yesterday's post- I have lots of favorites of everything. Now I get to make a list of 20 of them. Hmmm..... where to even start?!?! Man, this is gonna be a random list of things in no special order. :)

1. My family.

2. Music. Currently my faves are Dave Barnes, Thad Cockrell, Matt Wertz, Tyler James, Andrew Belle, and Cory Asbury...

3. Getting espresso in coffee shops vs having coffee at home [going to a coffee shop and sitting with my espresso and journal/book/bible, etc is something that helps keep me sane. not good for my wallet, though.].

4. Living out the dreams in my heart.

5. Giving.

6. Friends that I can be real with -Kait & Lauren- and know that they will always love me. And vice versa.

8. Art of all sorts. Making and appreciating it.

10. Hearing my dad read " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas"

11. Reading the bible and getting revelation... nothing is more full of life and hope for me.

12. Learning and growing... and cultivating that.

13. Laughter.

14. Photographing people and them being amazed that the images they're looking at are of themselves. [I love and am so thankful that I get the honor of showing people their beauty/uniqueness/worth through photography.] ALSO on the topic of GIVING photos: check out Help-Portrait event [it's fantastic!!!]

15. Jesus and His amazingly beautiful sacrifice, victory, love, grace, and hope.

16. Technology.
17. That I get to live freely in this country. [and am so thankful for that!]
18. Warm blankets on cold nights.
19. The beach/ocean!
20. Sunshine and lighting.

That was a though list! Fun to think through all of the things I love and am thankful for.

What are some of YOUR favorite things??


1 comment:

  1. My fav things are my kids, their spouses, grandsons... How they make me laugh and how proud I am of all of them!
    The first few sips of hot fresh coffee in morning...
    Standing in my back yard and seeing the Rockies and open space
    Grace, Love, wisdom,
    Snuggling in bed on a cold night or morning,
    Loving and being loved...
    Books, learning, growing...
    Walking in my 'hood
    All these things and more I am so grateful for! Blessings!
