
Jeremiah 31

I love this little piece of scripture...
"Thus says the Lord 'The people who survived the sword found grace in the wilderness, -Israel, when it went to find its rest.' The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying, 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness. Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt! Again you will take up your tambourines, and go forth to the dances of the merrymakersAgain you will plant vineyards On the hills of Samaria; The planters will plant and will enjoy them.'"  -Jeremiah 31:2-5 nasb [italics added]

All about restoration, hope, joy. And God's power, love, & faithfulness.
Good stuff!
I could go on and on about these three verses because they are so full of the nature of God. And there is a lot of personal meaning for me here, as well.
But I'm going to leave it at that for today.
What do you think when you read God's promise: "Again I will build you and you will be rebuilt!" ?

Here's a screenshot of "rebuild" in the dictionary. Powerful word.
from dictionary.com
Have an awesome day!


Plaza Art Fair

This weekend Sept 24-26 is the Counrty Club Plaza's annual art fair!
Can i just tell you how very excited i am about this?!!
There are over 200 exhibiting artists- from jewelry makers to printmakers to photographers to fiber designers to painters to woodworkers, etc! Oh, and there are 3 live music stages! This art fair features artists from all over the country.
I plan on spending at least several hours there. :)
If you are in the KC area you should go! It's something so enriching and fun. The weather is supposed to be great this weekend, too.
The hours of opperation:
Friday: 5p-10p
Saturday: 10a-10p
Sunday: 11a-5p

here is the official website:

Here are a couple of the mannnyyyy artists who will be there:

Linda Chamberlain

Mark Orr

Anthony Hansen

So exciting!
See you there,


Better Things

A journal entry from 9.12.10.

preface: i was working through feeling betrayed by the Lord and alone in this move. I know that He will never leave me, lie to me, or hurt me. But i know He allows these crazy circumstances because He knows my true desire is to be refined, healed, and to grow in Him. To be like Jesus. We can't [and won't] magically just be like Him... it requires walking through the fire of difficulty/challenge/trial. That's where I'm at [and have been for a few years]. Though it currently feels like i'm in a 1/3 life crisis, i KNOW that i am not alone, and am in a safe place to work through the issues in my heart that the Lord is so faithfully [and sometimes annoyingly] bringing up in me. So, this following journal entry comes from the place of deep pain that i needed to work though, that actually brought up other things that i need to process through and heal from. Funny how that works. :)

The sun shining on my skin reminds me of better things.
Like when i knew myself and my dreams.
The wind i my hair reminds me of better days.
Like when i wasn't in this maze.
This maze of emotional turmoil and confusion. 
These days are riddled with sadness and the awful [and untrue]sense that i've been betrayed by the One who said He'd never leave. 
My head knows the truth but my heart got so hurt in trusting that everything is now sen through a broken heart that is thrashing and  thrusting and pushing away
The very LOVE it craves. 
"It's too painful" i hear my heart say.
"It's too painful to give my heart away."
See,  i truly desire to be free in love- free & healed.
but my heart can't yet see past this wound that's been revealed.
What happened to the strength i knew?
What happened to the hope i knew?
They've been put out of view by this hurt in my heart.
The sun shining on my skin reminds me of better things-
Of times when i had wings. 
Wings that brought me to the place of strength.
But now it seems that those wings have been clipped and are now a shorter length.
The flight i was accustomed to has become but a memory.
Have i already lived the best of my life?
Have i really given all i have to give?
That seems and impossible thought
But i can feel it trying to be true.
The wind in my hair reminds me of better days.
Like when i wasn't in this haze. 
It's not been long
But it's been deep.
I know the One who is faithful to save me from this pit.
But how long must i weep?
Come One & only God. 
Won't You come and save me?


That's been the past month for me. But i'm glad to say that even though i don't understand some things that happened, i have total peace in this process. I've gotten through/over some of what was hurting.
I desire to grow and be the best me i can be. That only comes with pursuing the Lord with all my heart and being willing to work through my issues. Not easy. But good.

Have you ever felt hurt/forgotten by God? How has your heart healed from that time? I'd love to know your thoughts.


Once Again

So, I think this is my 3rd- or 4th- attempt at starting a blog... but who's counting, anyway?
But hopefully this time I will actually do it. 
I've got a LOT on my mind&heart recently and feel that this blog could be a good outlet for that. I hope that in expressing my heart, honestly and with the intention of growing&healing, it would impact and inspire others. Also, I'll probably post random things/images/quotes that inspire me or things i've been working on recently. 

have a great evening!